to your journey and education into the professional world of beauty. We are so excited that you have joined us! We LOVE this industry and it is our JOY to share our beauty knowledge with YOU! Let the adventures begin
First things first: GROW YOUR FACIAL AND BODY HAIR. As a student, here you will not only be performing services but will also be receiving them. You will be expected to participate 100% (with the exception of color and cutting). If you have any allergies or other medical concerns, please bring in the appropriate doctors note or bring in products students can use on you. All students are welcome to bring in any special products for their own use for any reason. Products needed: makeup, professional wax, facial cleanser, massage oil, facial toner, mask, etc. Please, be sure you have all products necessary at all times in preparation for class.
Other things:
Social Media: you will start creating and using your professional social media accounts your first week in class. The dean has an account that ONLY FOLLOWS STUDENTS. You are expected to post your work daily. This is a habit we want you all to get into since it will build your clientele and also attract employers. Posting is like putting a flyer with advertisement into everyones phone. Our goal is that you established a clientele long before graduating from the Fountain of Youth Academy. This skill will stay with you forever and you will flourish as professional.
Dress Code: All students are required to dress PROFESSIONALLY in SOLID black and/or white. NO PATTERNS. Nothing too high, too low or too short, NO RUBBER FLIP FLOPS. You should dress as though you are going to work to make a million bucks as a professional in the beauty industry.
Instructors have final say on questionable clothing. You will be asked to go home if you are not dressed appropriately for school.
Daily Minimum Requirements: minimum state board kit (list is in this notebook), textbook, iPad, notebook/paper, pen/pencil.
Food & Drink: Eat what you will but, do not eat it or drink it in the student salon. You are a beauty professional now. We have a refrigerator and a microwave. Please, discard any uneaten food when you leave for the day. Cleanliness is expected.
Flex-Time Program: Most of our students enjoy the FLEX-TIME PROGRAM. We have created this program so that you (Moms, Full-Time providers, etc.) can still do what you need to and ALSO become educated in the beauty industry. The only requirement is that you respect the program. Come when you are scheduled to attend and be prepared when you get here. You will need to be a proactive student. Countless have graduated successfully with us through this program. You will, too!
Grades: We have to give them! Our goal is that you get 100% on ALL of your tests. This means you may have to take a test repeatedly to get that. You will be required to wait a period of at least 2 weeks before testing again. This is at the discretion of the instructors. The 100% rule is so you will 100% pass at state boards. Note here: no employer has EVER called here for anyones grades. No one has ever been kicked out for bad grades (we will teach, teach, teach until you get it!). Also, if you are in the Part-Time Flex-Time schedule you are not required to take more than one test per week. so if you are ‘feeling it- you can take two or three, but if you are not- just take the one. You have plenty of time to take all of the tests. EVERYONE HAS THE SAME 1250 HOURS (300 ESTHETICIAN) TO COMPLETE THE COURSE. Never feel like you have to ‘catch up or ‘make up anytime. The program is cyclative- all subjects are repeatedly taught or your instructor will spend time with you teaching you personally if necessary.
Thumbing In: Every day that you are in class you will be required to use the Thumb Print Reader located in the hallway to the student salon. You will have your thumbprint read when you arrive at the school and you must have your thumbprint read before you leave the school. This is the only acceptable way to prove your school hours and receive credit for those hours. If you forget to have your thumbprint recorded you must inform your instructor and an administrator within 24 hours of the missed check in or out. You can only do this once and will be asked to sign an accountability slip. If you forget again you will not be given credit for your time at school that day.